venerdì 6 aprile 2007

This Blog - Questo Blog

This web pages are dedicated to Mrs Anel Ellsworth, her well-liked pupils, Leander Pleasant Hill Elementary School as well as to the pupils of the Fifth Grade at Verna Banchetti “Anna Frank” Primary School (Direzione Didattica Statale II Circolo “Giuseppe Di Vittorio”, Umbertide)

Thanks to the EPAL Community our two Schools could know each other and carry out various twinnings activities in the second part of this school year 2006/2007.

Italian pupils, parents and teachers appreciated very much this experience and would like to thank Mrs Ellsworth and Pleasant Elementary School for their friendship and their cooperation.

Through this blog, we want to give evidence to the works that the children carried out.

Thanks a lot to you all,

Andrea Mennella.

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